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View The Meadowbrook FFA Calendar

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since 02/23/2017

Joining the MFFA is $20 per family!

Q: Who should join the MFFA?

A: All Meadowbrook parents and faculty are encouraged to join.

Q: How much does a membership cost?

A: Membership is $20 per family.
Q: How many memberships do I need for my family?

A: Only 1 membership is needed per family, regardless of the number of family members.

Q: If I joined last year do I need to join again?

A: Yes, membership is annual.

Q: Is membership required for my child to participate is some programs?

A: Yes. A membership is required to add your child(ren) to the student directory, to view the student directory, for pizza days, and all other communication through the website.

Q: Do I have to list my child(ren) in the student directory?
No. Many parents find it helpful to stay in touch with other parents, but participation is optional.

Q: Is there going to be a printed version of the student directory?
No. There is both a mobile app version, but no printed version will be distributed. 

Q: Is there a mobile app version of the student directory?
Yes. You can access the directory on the mobile app with up to 2 devices. To use the mobile app, download it at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/paperlesspto-directory/id717296237?mt=8for Apple devices, or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paperlesspto.directoryfor Android devices (or search for “Paperless PTO School Directory” to find it in your app store :-). Once you’ve installed the app, enter your “Registration key” (found on the MFFA website. Go to My Info >>My Directory App), and the email address and password you created on the MFFA site to activate the app.

 Q: Why is Cell Phone Provider, Emergency Contact, Medical Conditions, and Safe Home Member information collected during account registration?

A: These are simply default settings with the membership service we use. The information is not shared with teachers, or used by the MFFA.

For any other membership questions, please email:

 Christine Chicolo @ chrissychicolo@gmail.com




Click here to order for Membership Drive